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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

DIY Candle Poject by Hunter

This is Hunter! My rockin cool nephew! He had a project to do for English class. The objective was to turn trash into a viable working object. He choose to make what else? Candles Yay! Anyway, the title of his project was "One man's trash is another man's treasure!" How perfect an opportunity to use, what else, the paper towel roll that ends up in the trash. He put together a little photo shoot showing his project and had mom send it over to me to share, here it is.

A note about my Sister in law's house. She has the neighborhood house where all the kids end up after school and on the weekends. No matter when you drop by you are going to find kids running in and out. They have the fun house on the block, the one with the very large tree in the backyard, with the gigantic tree house built in it, the trampoline, tree swing, etc... inside there is the huge screen TV for video games, movies, guitar hero, etc. Oh and she always has plenty of snacks and drinks. My sister in law is huge on keeping all the kids fed and hydrated! A lot of cooking and creating goes on there, so it didn't surprise me too much when I received these pictures of Hunter's project, I love it. Thanks Jodi and Hunter!

Here are the pictures, I hope they serve to motivate and show you how easy and fun it is to make these candle so you can have fun too!

Here he is showing the glass pebble that he use to weigh the candle down. How cute!

His candles are ready for glue drips!

Here he's applying the hot glue to make the candle drips.

Hard at work!

All painted!


Working candles from throw away trash! Great job Hunter! Hope you got a A on this project!

If anyone else ventures into making these paper towel roll and hot glue candles please leave a link in the comments box. I would love to share them here on the House of Dewberry. Have fun! Here is the link to the Candle How-to


  1. Thanks Aunt Sherry, by the way I did get an "A"!!!!!!!

  2. Of course you did don't you always!!!! <3

  3. Very cute idea! I think Hunter's cousins will have to try it.
